About Us


L&P Packaging Co. Ltd is a Canadian-owned and operated company that is focused on providing first-rate service to customers and businesses within the food service, restaurant, hospitality and packaging industries.  Since our humble beginning in 18 years ago, we have grown and expanded; continuously developing and discovering new and relevant products, designing unique product molds, improving the quality of our heat and microwavable safe materials, offering Canada-wide shipping, and finding environmentally friendly biodegradable supplies. 

We have been catering to our customers' needs across Canada and Northwestern US coast by offering a wide range of products at our lowest price and delivering them to your business in a timely manner, despite the immense competition. With our carefully selected manufacturers and partners from North America and Asia, we are able to accommodate every customer's specific material and colour preferences, and even customize products. Regardless of quantity, we invite you to browse the vast selection of high-quality products in our warehouse conveniently located in the Metro Vancouver area. At L&P Packaging Co. Ltd, we are confident that we can deliver a sustainable solution to exceed our client's needs.

L&P Packaging Co. Ltd. 始於了解民眾對食品容器與北美飲食文化的需求,經了解客戶實際使用的情行,提供最適合的建議與盛載容器。L&P引進台灣精良的一次性產品,針對本地需要研發各式新商品。從產品模具設計、押出及射出,我們不斷研發可耐熱與微波安全保證的成品;針對不同客戶的用途,製成多樣性的材質與色彩。本公司更進一步提供餐飲所需之各式週邊商品,與環保生物分解材質產品。我們結合北美本地供應商與海外製造商,鍊結全球最有效的資源,提供客戶多種選擇。

L&P Packaging Co. Ltd. 迄今已成立 18 餘年,產品經SGS、UKAS等認證,並結合本地 Fordis、Enterprise Paper 供應商。除了既有商品,更提供客製化的服務:商標印製、特殊食品機械引進等。我們的服務範圍觸及大溫哥華地區與美國西岸。在廣大的競爭,仍然維持品質呈現實惠的價格。高品質的產品、高效能的運輸與高速的反饋服務是我們的服務宗旨,更是北美餐飲業最佳的選擇。